The Case of the Christmas Wish

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” ~ Linus Van Pelt from a Charlie Brown Christmas

CK: Hi Papa

PAPA: Hello Katie Child

CK: You know, I was just thinking the other day about the “reason for the season”… Achoo!  🤭

PAPA: Bless you!

CK: You already have. 😊  Anyway like I was saying, I was thinking about the “reason for the season” which we are about to celebrate. And then, I was thinking about when I was a little girl. My Christmas list was always a mile long, well maybe not a mile, but it does seem a tad long in retrospect. And yet no matter what I thought I wanted, or what I received, after a while the thrill of it always wore thin.

I remember that chemistry set I wanted so badly in the 5th grade.  My mom had to really scrimp and save to get that for me.  I guess I was pretty persistent.  Imagine that.  Anyway, after Sam and I figured out how to do all the experiments, it spent its remaining days in the back of my closet – that is until mom donated it, along with some of my other childhood “castoffs”.  You know Papa, in the end, stuff is just stuff.

PAPA: So very true.

CK: Anyway, so then I was wondering with all the hubbub surrounding your celebration, has anyone ever asked you what was on your Christmas wish list?

PAPA: Well, thank you for asking and I would have to say no, you are the first to ask me that specific question.  My wish for Christmas is quite simple.

Every year around this time, I hear my children sing, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me…” and my book tells of how an angel appeared to shepherds announcing my son’s birth and how a multitude of heavenly host sang, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth.”  That is all I really want.  Peace on earth – an earth where love and charity and compassion abound.  That is at the very top of my list. What I want most is not for me, but for the children I so deeply love.

CK: Ahhh.  That is so “you like”.   So then, I have another question. Would it be fair to say that one cannot have peace without that kind of love?

PAPA: You always set your sites high, Katie Girl.  But yes, you are correct. True peace cannot be achieved any other way. Do you think a majority of my children would want to share this wish of mine, being able to live in a more peaceful world?

CK: Sure, if they thought it could actually be achieved.

PAPA: Why do you suppose that some do not think this peace is possible?

CK: Have you watched the news lately?  Nothing but looming doom and gloom everywhere.🙁

 PAPA: I am quite aware of the looming doom and gloom and it saddens me greatly.  But let me ask you this, Do you think it is possible to live in peace or do you think my world is too far gone?

CK: Knowing you Papa the way I do, I would say, it is never too late, especially because I really do believe that the majority of your children want to live in peace with each other.  The real question though is, does this “majority” believe it possible, so much so that they would be willing to commit to doing their part in what is needed to live in this peace?

PAPA: Excellent. So what we are talking about is faith that my system will actually work in spite of the obstacles which seem to be blocking this progress toward peace.

CK: Your “system”? 🤔Never heard it called that before. 🙄

PAPA: It is like driving a car. The drivers are my children, the car is the vehicle used to move forward toward a more peaceful world and I am the GPS. My directions are the way the system works to get from point A to point B. Now that is the simplified explanation. The other thing is, my children need to realize that the more people invest their time and energy into using “my system”, the more powerful that system becomes, and the more powerful it becomes, the more power it takes from evil.

CK: Whoa, that is so cool. And it makes total sense. It does sound simple, not easy, but certainly, something achievable, each person sharing this truth within their circle of influence. I can just see all those circles working with each other, bumping into each other, smiling at each other, overlapping.  Sorry, I got carried away there.  Anyway, with all that going for it, all we need to do is to work with the system.

PAPA: It is the only way.  It starts with each child finding peace in their own hearts by trusting in my love. From there it can grow outward in these “influential circles” where mutual love and respect are nurtured and cared for. It is in those relationships that miracles are made possible.  And it is in those relationships that I can support my children in working toward peace.  There is so much more possible than my children can even begin to imagine.

CK: I can totally see that!  So if a peaceful world is what you want and what we would want, we are really wanting the same thing – you and your children, that is.

 PAPA: It is how it was meant to be from the beginning. My deepest longing is to live in peace and love with my children and they with one another.  And seeing how I created my children in my image and likeness, their deepest longing is the same as mine, even if they don’t realize it…yet.

 CK: I so wish I could make your Christmas wish come true, Papa

PAPA:  All you need to do is your part and encourage others to do theirs.  Start with your religion class. Young people have so much potential. And doing one’s part is all I ask of any one child.  Thank you, Katie, for caring as much as you do.

CK: You are welcome Papa. Our love is my motivation. 

 PAPA: As is mine. Have a blessed celebration, my Child.

CK: I will now. 🙂  Thank you, Papa, for not giving up on us.  I love you, Papa.

PAPA: And I you, more than you could know.


Points to Ponder: Do you believe that Papa’s wish for peace on earth is possible? Why or why not? What part might Papa be calling you to play?

Challenge: Can you take 2 minutes each morning to pray for peace?

The Prayer of Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master, grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born to eternal life.